
Happy Birthday Ibu....

on Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ariel nyanyi kat Ibu...

"Happy Birthday Ibu,
Happy Birthday Ibu,
Happy Birthday To Ibu,
Happy Birthday Ibu"
(hehehe...lambat lagi nak dengar Ariel nyanyi lagu Happy Birthday kat Ibu) is Ibu's birthday. Last night at 12 midnight Ayah call and wish Ibu Happy Birthday. Before that Tok already called and wish Ibu as well. Nothing special as usual but the best thing is, this time around Ibu can share the happy feelings with Ariel. His smile when ever Ibu play with him is the best present ever. Love Ariel so much.

Today Atok and Nenek went back home. They came just to take care of Ariel yesterday since Kak Hawa took leave yesterday and Ibu got to go to work and cannot took EL.

How time fast and now Ibu already.....ehem...ehem...
Terasa dah tua siot tapi tak pe jiwa muda...hehehe.. sebab anak kecik lagi

Now...I'm really looking forward with new experience, new vision and mission in life especially when Ariel is around. No more hanky panky....believe in myself and standing strong. Be the best Ibu and wife each day.

Finally, Ibu's hopes and dreams are:
1) Raise Ariel as a better Muslim, caring son and successful person
2) Relationship with Ayah will become stronger, trustworthy and full of desire to compliment each other, love with passion and with full heart.
3) Success in career (2009 is a challenging world for Ibu) in future undertaking.

Hopefully Ibu's life path starting from today's onward will be filled up with joy and happiness and may Allah bless Ibu, Ayah and Ariel always.